Transparency Level and Recency Analytics


The Transparency Level and Recency analytics is designed to provide an overview of data freshness across the organization, so leaders can quickly understand how teams are mobilizing on OKRs, and where calibration may be needed so everyone can operate and make decisions based on the latest data. 

The report is designed to help leaders: 

  • Quickly identify key results with stale data or results that have never been updated across the organization
  • Get a breakdown of key result freshness under different business leaders to determine which L2 and L3 leaders may require support driving focus on key results within their respective parts of the business.


The Transparency Level and Recency analytics is made up of 3 views:

  1. Top level view that gives a breakdown of key result freshness within L2 leader organizations
  2. A trend view to show movement on data freshness and key result calibration over the course of the quarter
  3. Drill-down for key result freshness by L3 leaders organizations

KR freshness is defined based on whether the WorkBoard key result has the latest numeric actual, based on the update frequency defined for the key result. For example, for a key result set to be updated weekly on Fridays, the result is:

  • Fresh: if the key result has an update for last week or the upcoming week
  • Late: if the key result is missing the update from last week
  • Never updated: if it has never been updated with progress

Key Results can be updated at different frequencies—daily, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly or quarterly - but the logic for freshness is uniform across.

Note: Updates need to be added in the 'update value' cell. if the “Confidence” of a KR is updated, this does not count towards the freshness status at this time.



How to Leverage the Transparency Level and Recency Analytics

Leaders can use the Transparency Level and Recency analytics to address the following questions during the course of the quarter:

  1. See which teams KRs have stale data?
  2. Which teams or key result owners have fallen behind on updating results with the latest facts and data, and could use a nudge?

The Transparency Level and Recency report also has a table with specifics to help you drill into the details**. 

Tips for Using the Transparency Level and Recency Analytics Views

  • Filter the L2 leader view by clicking on segments of the pie chart. 


  • Click on the “Trend” arrow to view KR freshness trends over the past month. The slider at the bottom of the chart lets you adjust the timeline of the trend chart and see how the overall mix of stake KRs and Fresh KRs has shifted over time. To return to the L3 leader view, click the arrow at the top left corner of the KR freshness trend view.


  • Click on the L2  leader's name or on a segment of one of the L2 leaders bars to activate the L3 drill-down button to filter the table.


Note: Clicking on an L2 leader’s name filters the table to contain all KRs with various freshness status for that L2 leader, while clicking on a segment of the leader’s bar filters the table to contain only KR data of the selected freshness status for that L2 leader.

  • Click on the “L3 Drilldown” button to go to the second view showing KR freshness status breakdown by leader and the table.
  • Similarly, click on the L3  leader's name or on a segment of one of the L3 leaders bars to activate the L3 drilldown button and to filter the table.
  • To return to the L2 view, click on the arrow at the top left of the view.


For additional filtering, use either the search bar or the various filters located at the top of the view

  1. Search bar which allows you to input any named field such as user name, manager name or leader name to view data related to the inputted name
  2. Team Type filter which allows you to select and view data for either Functional or Dynamic Teams
  3. KR Target Status filter which allows you to select and view data for either Achieved or Not Achieved status
  4. KR Freshness filter which allows you to select and view data for Fresh, Late, or Never Updated.

Activating this Report

Learn how to activate this report.

Important to note:This particular report is aggregating all key results across your organization. We suggest that you only make the report available to individuals who should be able to see this information org-wide.

Things to Note

  • The report only includes key results that are set as manual KRs to be updated by a person
  • Data in the Transparency Level and Recency analytics is refreshed daily between 8-9 AM PT
  • Scope of Key Results includes all current Key Results that fall in the current Quarter, Fiscal Year (as defined in the system), or custom time period
  • The L2 leaders report directly to the top leader of the organization
  • The L3 leaders report directly to the L2 leaders of the organization
  • Only L3 Leaders with KRs are included in the L3 drill-down view so you may not see some leaders who are part of the organization's hierarchy

**Dictionary of table columns below:

  • KR Name - the name of the KR
  • KR Owner - the name of the KR owner
  • % Prog - the percentage progress of the KR
  • Team - the name of the team
  • L2 Leader - the name of the L2 leader (reporting to the top leader in your instance)
  • Team Owner - the name of the team owner
  • Team Owner Email 
  • Freq - the frequency of KR updates
  • KR Owner Email
  • KR Updater - the name of the person who is designated to provide updates
  • KR Updater Email - email of the person designated to provide updates
  • KR Status - the freshness of the KR based on the definitions above  
  • Last Updated At - the last date the specific KR was updated


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