The WorkBoard App for Microsoft Teams allows seamless access to WorkBoard in the following ways:
- Adding WorkBoard Tabs to Team Channels
- Individual chats with your colleagues
- Chatting Directly with the WorkBoard app
Learn more about customizing WorkBoard in Microsoft Teams.
Authentication and Interactions
WorkBoard uses Microsoft Teams guidelines in its tabs, messaging extension, and bot integration.
The following sequence diagram talks about the unified integration sequence flow that a user needs to perform before the users start using the integrations. We recommend enabling the integration from the My Integration page.
Click here to go to your integration page.
The authentication is OAuth2 and is triggered when you enable the integration in WorkBoard or interact with the integration in Microsoft Teams.
Interaction with the Microsoft Graph
WorkBoard's bot uses the Microsoft Bot framework that creates the Azure AD application registration with the default delegated permission' scopes (https://graph.microsoft.com/User.Read, openid, profile, email, offline_access). All the interaction to the Microsoft Graph happens through the Microsoft bot client.