Manage OKR Progress with Microsoft Teams


If you've enabled Microsoft Teams integration on your account, you can use our chatbot (Wobot) to view and update status on your team's objectives and key results. Ask Wobot for your OKRs, or those belonging to your teams, to get a quick view of progress. You can update key results, show team objectives, and more.  


View Progress on Objectives

For a quick summary of progress on your objectives, ask Wobot "What are my objectives?" Wobot will ask if you also want to include key result details.

Update Key Result Progress

To update your results, first ask Wobot to get you your list by saying "Can I see my results?" or "Can I update my KRs?" Then click the "Update KR" next to the key result you'd like to update. Wobot will talk you through updating your key result value and adding an optional narrative.

By adding a comment to your update, you'll create a running narrative that you can refer to later. Wobot will grab that narrative for you at any time; just ask to see your KRs and click the KR history button.

Calibrate and Celebrate with Microsoft Teams

Learn how to calibrate for the week on Mondays and celebrate on Fridays with Microsoft Teams

Customizing WorkBoard in Microsoft Teams

Learn how to add WorkBoard Tabs to Team channels and how to chat with your colleagues. 


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