Two-Level Alignment View


Resolve alignment and progress gaps faster with a two-level OKR view available instantaneously for staff meetings. Then, easily share your page view organized by Objective using the unique URL. 

Senior leaders and managers of managers can use this view to:

  • View all relevant teams' progress against leadership objectives to efficiently identify and resolve alignment and progress gaps
  • Identify if there is a disconnect between a leadership objectives and team OKRs (Example: No or very few teams have localized a leadership objective) 
  • Leverage the view to hold a final alignment discussion during quarterly OKR planning 

Team members can use this view to: 

  • See how their colleagues are localizing each objective
  • Get a snapshot view of all the key results that align to the manager’s objectives
  • Identify areas where teams may have dependencies

Access Two-Level Alignment View for My Org:

  1. Choose Objectives from the main menu 
  2. Select Alignment 
  3. Toggle through OKRs in the view which opens as a new tab
  4. To leave the view, select the X in the top right corner

Access the Two-Level Alignment View for Another Team: 

  1. Choose Objectives on the main menu 
  2. Select Alignment
  3. Search for another team to display

You can access this view across any team in WorkBoard.  

Aspects of the Two-Level Alignment View:

  • Objectives and Key Results are not editable in this view. Consider this view as more of an OKR slide deck. 
  • OKRs that have not been aligned at the objective level in the platform will not appear in this view. 
  • All teams that have aligned to the manager’s objectives (both functional and working groups) will appear in the Two-Level Alignment View. 

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