Business Groups


Business Groups are an effective way to highlight specific parts of your organization and aggregate functional team OKR progresses up through the different lines of business. Biz Groups are available within the Heatmap under a new Business Group view. Visibility of Biz Groups is limited to the top three levels in the organization i.e. Executive level and two levels below.

Understanding Biz Groups

Biz Groups are different than the normal team visibility within the Heatmap. Biz Groups display the number of teams within that line of business, how many teams have OKRs, the progress completion percentage, and the average RAG rating for that entire line. Biz Groups provide a comprehensive understanding of how each section of the organization is fairing as a whole, rather than as individual teams.


You may want to know the OKR progress for the entire Sales line within your organization which consists of 5 teams. A Biz Group shows you which of those 5 teams do not have defined OKRs. For the teams which do have OKRs defined, the Biz Group calculates the overall progress completion and averages out the RAG rating between the teams. Clicking into the Biz Group displays the traditional Heatmap view of individual teams and their OKR progress.




Create a Business Group



Note: Only System Admins can create Biz Groups.

  1. Navigate to Administrator Tools
  2. Locate and select Org Structure from the menu on the left side of the page
  3. Double click on the team you wish to make a Biz Group
    Note: All teams below the selected team will be included in the Biz Group
  4. Within the team details page, click Mark as business group
  5. The business group name is auto-populated based on the selected team's name. Change this if needed.
  6. Click Save 

View Business Groups

To view all Biz Groups in the organization, click Objectives, the select Heatmap.

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