Key Result Owners


A key result owner can choose to provide data updates themselves, delegate result updates to another user, or change the data source to automated options.


Key Results Owner Capabilities

  1. Every key result will have a distinct key result owner associated with it as the primary user responsible for driving the key result for the team.
  2. Key result data sources may be other business systems, other key results, or even other team members closer to the data (data providers).
  3. Key result owners have the permission to change key result attributes and select the specific data source that should drive updates for the key results they own.
  4. The key result owner is displayed as a primary piece of information on all OKR views so it can be easily seen as teams discuss their OKRs.


Assign Key Result Owners During OKR Creation

Every key result will have a new and mandatory key result owner associated with it. When creating key results from the basic flow of the OKR wizard, the person assigned the key result will automatically become both the key result owner as well as the key result data provider. 

This should help you enter key results quickly into WorkBoard, and allow the new Key Result Owners to make the final tweaks on how the result may be measured or where the data for the result should come from.

  • Click on More options or Advanced options in the key result creation flow to adjust the key result owner

  • To adjust the key result owner or the data provider at any time, open the Key Result side modal in the OKR wizard or enter the edit modal for a key result anywhere in the app.

View Key Results Owners and the Results you Own

  1. Go to Objectives
  2. Click My Key Results
  3. Click the dropdown 
  4. Select Key Results I Own

In all OKR and KR views, the key result owner will be displayed as a primary piece of information, so it can be easily seen as teams drive and discuss their OKRs.

Iconography will highlight when the data source for the key result may be other business systems, other results, or even other team members who are closer to the data (data providers).

Turn on Key Result Owners

For customers who have been on WorkBoard prior to Oct 2020, turning on the key result owner is a configuration that WorkBoard can help you roll out on your own timeline. 

Work with your organization’s OKR coaches and project team to decide how and when to take advantage of this capability. Contact your WorkBoard CSM to discuss a rollout plan for this feature for your organization.

For customers who joined Workboard after that, KR Owners will be enabled automatically.

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