Key Results with Variable Targets


Break down your Key Results into short-term checkpoints to confirm the team is headed in the right direction — Use a single key result for the entire time-period with specific, varied targets for each quarter in the year, month in the quarter or custom date ranges based on your project-specific milestones.

Example Key Result with Targets:

Key Result: New bookings of $1M for Q1

  •  200K in new booking for January
  •  375 in new bookings for February
  •  425 in new bookings for March

The OKR charts will reflect progress to the annual outcome and the progress to each quarter's target.Annual_OKR_MIT.png

Create Key Results With Multiple Interval Targets 

To create a key result with multiple interval targets, click on Advanced Options while creating your key result and select the key result type to be Set multiple targets.mceclip0.png

Once you select this option, you can choose whether the data input for these key results should come from a person or the KPI catalogue (Connected data streams).


You will then be able to select how the progression you would like to see towards the overall target for the key result. Indicate if a higher numeric achievement would define success, or if you are trying to drive a reduction and you are trying to move to a value lower than the target. 

You will then be able to define the intervals you would like to set a specific target for, by clicking on the Add another interval link. The flow is optimized for setting monthly intervals, however, you can change the intervals to best fit the breakdown you need!

NOTE: intervals must fall within the larger objective time period, and they cannot overlap.mceclip2.png

One you have defined the targets for your intervals, you need to select how you would like the overall key result achievement to be calculated.

Overall key result achievement should be a total of all intervals

Quite often, the overall annual key result achievement should be a total all quarter intervals. In the example below, the achieved value for Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4 need to be totaled to compute the overall annual New Bookings number. 


In this case, when creating the key result, we want to make sure that we select the option to calculate the overall progress of the key result as Total of all intervals.


You will also be able to select how you would like to enter the values for each child interval.

For example, if it is easier to input the data as a running total per week (or the latest achieved value on a weekly cadence), select Last entered value for your selection on how to calculate each interval's progress.

If it is easier to input the data as the incremental progress made each week, select Total of all updates for your selection on how to calculate each interval's progress.

In this case Mark Gabriel would enter how much new revenue is booked per week, and the system would automatically add those together to generate a value for the quarter.


Overall key result should be the latest value entered

There are other examples, where the targets set per interval (ex. quarterly targets) are milestones that we need to reach, and the achievement for the intervals should not be totaled together to calculate the progress of overall key result.

In fact, in these cases, the most recent achieved value is the true progress towards the overall target and plan. Examples include:

  • Stock price in $
  • Reducing churn percentage rate
  • Increasing market share %
  • Increasing weekly traffic to the website

For these cases, the default select of Last entered value for how the overall key result progress should be calculated is the best choice.mceclip0.png

Update Key Results With Multiple Interval Targets 

To update Key Results with Multiple Interval Targets, click the Interval, then make updates as needed. 

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