You may have key results and metrics that don't contribute to overall progress, or shouldn’t be counted in overall progress measurement. When this is the case, you can choose to exclude key results from overall progress.
For example, you might exclude a key result or metric from objective progress calculations in these situations:
- You want to track the data but it isn't a real factor in progress or achievement of the objective
- A key result that seemed relevant when you set it is no longer important
- You want to weigh overall progress on a single or specific key results under the objective
Exclude a Key Result
- Click the Kebab on the intended objective
- Click Edit Settings
- Click the pencil icon next to the name of the key result you want to exclude
- Check the Exclude from objective progress calculation box at the bottom of the window
- Click Save
Note: You can also delete a key result entirely by clicking the trashcan icon next to the name of the key result.
When you exclude a key result from progress, the key result continues to be displayed in the Objective Detail view, but is not displayed in the quick view of key results on the list pages (the leader board under Heatmap for example).