Viewing Objective Progress Over Time in the Timeline View


Often an objective will recur over multiple quarters or time periods with unique key results for the period, and you're looking for an overview Timeline of how these quarterly and annual results have progressed.

The Timeline view generates a powerful side-by-side of results for a period-to-period comparison! 


From the Timeline view, you can also:

  • Search for a user or team whose timeline you want to view from the dropdown
  • Roll over a time period to see a popup with the results for the period

Accessing the Timeline View

  1. Select the Objectives top navigation bar
  2. From the dropdown, click Timeline

Adding OKRs to the Timeline View

These are easily created by linking an Objective to be a Carry Over of another Objective, or using the Copy & Reset function which automatically establishes the relationship!

 If you use Canvas to draft and set your OKRs, use the carry over field (instructions below) to establish the connection from the Objective Wizard after you have published your OKRs!

  1. Next to your Objective, click the kebab menu (3 dots) and select Edit Settings.
  2. Click the pencil next to the Objective name.
  3. Scroll to the bottom and select Add dependencies and related objectives and workstreams.
  4. In the 'Objective is a carry over of' field, search and select the OKR from the prior time period by person, name, or team. 
  5. When finished, select Save to lock in your settings and Done to apply your changes.

You can now refresh your Timeline view to see the newly added OKR.

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