Import Actions from Excel


If you're already tracking work for yourself or a team in a spreadsheet, or you have projects that tend to follow the same process (like onboarding checklists for new clients or release cycles), create an excel template and import your projects into Workboard for a fast launch. 

Simply update start dates, due dates and action owners prior to import, and in moments everyone will have their own to-do list that they can work and collaborate on from web or phone.

Enter Data into Excel

Restructure your existing data with the following headers, or use the Excel file template so your data populates correctly.

We suggest you download the Excel template, especially if you have a lot of hidden columns or complex formatting. 

Set your column headings in your Excel file as shown here:

  1. Description - This is the action description
  2. Priority - Must be High or H, Medium or M, Low or L
  3. Status - Must be Next, Doing, Pending or Done
  4. Effort - Must be High or H, Medium or M, Low or L
  5. Notes - This text will go in the notes field
  6. Rating - Must be Red or R, Amber or A, Green or G
  7. Start Date - Start date of the action (leave blank if no date)
  8. Due Date - Due date of the action (leave blank if no date)
  9. Workstream - The name of the workstream that the action should be added to (note: if all actions in an import will be added to a single workstream, you can choose that Workstream on the import wizard and leave this field blank)
  10. Loop - A comma separated list of emails that are added to the loop
  11. Owner - The person who owns the action (use email address)
  12. Type - Indicates wether the action is a regular action, or the sub-task of another action. If set to Child or C, the item is set to become the sub-action of the last parent action in the file.

Upload Data into WorkBoard

  1. Complete your Excel spreadsheet
  2. Click your Profile Photo
  3. Click My Settings
  4. Select Import from Excel
  5. Select a workstream to import the file into
  6. Browse your computer and select the intended file
  7. Click Import



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