Activating Slack Integration


If your team already uses Slack as a communication tool, you can quickly connect Workboard and Slack so that conversations flow easily between the two apps!

  • @mention colleagues in WorkBoard comments to notify them on Slack
  • Publish objectives to Slack channels
  • Create action items from Slack
  • WoBot, WorkBoard's conversational chatbot, can help you update your key results from Slack, and get high level summaries of the team’s work

Connect Workboard and Slack


Connecting the two apps is really easy.  Go to Workboard's Preferences page, click on the My Integrations tab, and click the Add to Slack button. A Slack webpage will open, asking you to authorize the integration. Click the Authorize button to complete the integration.

Direct notifications when you @mention a person

Use @ mentions as you comment on action items and objectives in Workboard, and your colleagues will automatically receive a notification on Slack.  

Add action items from Slack

Turn a decision or idea from a Slack discussion into a Workboard action item. Ask our friendly chatbot (nicknamed "WoBot") to "Add an action item" and it will walk you through delegating the action item, adding it to a workstream, and more. Or, if someone sends you an actionable chat message, convert it to an action item with a couple of clicks!

Introducing WoBot, WorkBoard's conversational chatbot

Once you've integrated Workboard with your Slack, our friendly chatbot (nicknamed "WoBot") can help you view and update your objectives, check in on your team's work, see and schedule meetings, and much more, right from Slack!


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