Action owners, team managers and co-managers, and team members who delegated an action can edit or update it.
Edit in list view
To edit actions in the My Work or Team Work list views, click on the column you would like to edit. Its priority, confidence rating, effort, owner, due date, and status can be changed here. Comments and attachments can also be added. To edit action notes or checklist items, or to add more people to the loop on the action, click the name of the action to edit it on the action details popup.
Sort, filter, and bulk change actions
All of your action lists can be sorted — alphabetically, or by priority, rating, effort, workstream, due date or status — by clicking on the column header in list view. This is a great tool for pulling the actions you need to focus on to the top of the list.
Filter any list by clicking Filter at the top right of any list of actions. Check and uncheck different filters to customize your list. You can also Bulk Change actions in any list view to change many actions' owner, workstream or other attributes.
Edit in board view
To edit action in the board view of a workstream, click on the card for the action you would like to edit and the action detail panel will slide out from the right side of the screen. All items in the action details popup are included here, just in a more condensed format.
Edit on calendar view
Edit the status attributes and due dates of actions on Calendar views by clicking on them. To edit action notes or checklist items, or to add comments, attachments, or additional team members to the loop, double click on the action or CTRL or CMD click to edit it on the action details popup.
Editing action details
To change the notes, tags, or repeating status of an action, you will need to edit it from the the action details popup. Access this page by clicking on the name of an action in a list or calendar view.
Editing multiple actions
Edit multiple actions at one time by clicking Bulk Change at the upper right of a list view. Click the checkbox next to the actions you'd like to change, select the change at the top of the table, then click Apply.