Large organizations may have hundreds of long-range strategies that are set at various levels of the organization. It's important to have visibility into where the strategies exist and whether they align to the company's strategy or other strategies within the organization. The Strategy Relationship Map provides a visualization as to how different strategies are connected across the enterprise.
Please note this feature is currently in BETA, contact your Customer Success Manager for more information.
The Strategy Relationship Map acts as an enterprise catalog for strategies across an entire organization. With Strategy Relationship Map, you're able to:
View all the strategies in the enterprise with transparency like never before
Make strategic decisions based on the relationships between strategies
Understand the impact and performance of individual and connected strategies
View misalignment to see where strategies may be misaligned
Take action by drilling into the details
And much more!
Access this feature by navigating to the 9-square menu in the upper right-hand corner of WorkBoard. Next, select WoBo Strategy from the dropdown and then click Relationship Map from the top navigation bar.
Navigation and Legend
Quickly visualize all of your organization's strategies and whether they are aligned on the Strategy Relationship Map. Customize your view by modifying the zoom or using your keyboard navigation to scroll.
- Legend: the strategy RAG (red, amber, green) colors represent risk to strategy achievement and progress made to date
- Hand tool: use the hand tool to drag and drop strategy placement as needed
- Zoom: use the +/- icons to change the zoom or use your keyboard to navigate around the map
Filter and Search
Refine your relationship map by filtering or searching for a specific strategy. You can use the filter icon in the upper right-hand corner to filter by:
- Access & Ownership: All strategies, Strategies I own, Strategies I have access to
- Strategy type: Product, Marketing, etc.
- Time Horizon: all or specific time horizons
- Alignment: use the toggle to also show unaligned strategies
- Status: above plan, on plan, medium risk, at risk
Using the Relationship Map
Use the Relationship Map to focus on strategies that align to your teams, then drill in to the details to see that strategy's progress and status.
- Start by hovering over a relevant strategy to highlight the first level of aligned strategies
- Click on a Strategy Name to open the details preview panel
- The details panel shows the status, pillars, and OKR progress at-a-glance
- Click the Strategy Name again to populate the full overview of pillars and OKR progress
Frequently Asked Questions
How is the success of a Strategy pillar measured?
The success of a pillar is measured by the success of the outcomes. When clicking on a Strategy in the Relationship Map, each Pillar will show an average progress percentage and RAG color for the Objectives aligned.
Is there any weighting in relation to the Outcome progress & Objective progress on the relationship map?
There is no weighting. The outcome's progress solely drives the Strategy's progress. Objective progress is a signal on where translation to execution may be breaking down.