Introduction to My Objectives


Objectives and Key Results keep teams connected, aligned, and moving toward results. Teams work in a variety of ways; around products, functions, and journeys. Alignment is necessary within and across teams to achieve priorities as an organization. OKRs have the power to drive sharp focus, fast growth, and high alignment for organizations of any scale.

My Objectives allows users to focus on the results that matter most and require their attention. Focus on the actions that need to be taken immediately, followed by the Objectives and Key Results most relevant for your role in the organization. 

With My Objectives:

  1. Take immediate action on your results that require focus, attention or celebration via Action Cards.
  2. Keep the results you own or contribute to top of mind with Key Results I Own and Objectives I Own/Contribute To sections.
  3. Monitor and contribute to the results conversations taking place with Results Feed.
  4. Lend a hand or celebrate great progress with your Direct Reports or Teams.
  5. Stay aligned with Leadership priorities and understand how your work matters.
  6. And so much more!


Sections of the My Objectives page

Your single dashboard for all things OKR related is broken up into multiple sections to help you focus your efforts.

All sections can be expanded or collapsed based on your preferences and where you want to focus your attention.

Action Cards

Action cards are the first set of items that require your immediate attention when you log-in.

If you're the manager of one or more teams, you will see the following filter options:

  • Mine - Actions for key results where you are the direct owner
  • My teams - Actions for key results where you are the team manager

The three actions available today are:

  • Updates needed - The key result data is stale and requires an update
  • Results worth celebrating - Celebrate exemplary achievement by adding a comment or reaction to results above plan
  • Results at risk - Add a comment, ping for update or add an update to help unblock and rally focus to turn the ship on underperforming results 

Key Results I Own

The results where you are listed as the owner or data provider will be displayed under the Key Results I Own section.

Filter by the following options to narrow down the results that require your attention:

  • Updates needed - Key results that are stale and require an update
  • At Risk - Key results that are underperforming and require additional attention
  • Moderate Risk - Key results that are middle of the road and at amber RAG
  • On plan - Key results that are on schedule and at light green RAG
  • Above plan - Key results that are ahead of schedule and at dark green RAG

Objectives I Own / Objectives I Contribute To

The objectives where you are listed as the owner will be displayed under the Objectives I Own section.

If you are not listed as the owner of any Objective, but you contribute to a team with team Objectives, these OKRs will be displayed under the Objectives I Contribute To section.

If you own both Team and Personal Objectives, you will see two chips to help you filter between the two selections.

If you do not own any Objectives and are a member of more than one team with OKRs, you will see a + button to help you add additional team OKRs that you contribute to.


Results Feed

The results feed is meant to keep you up to date on all results activity taking place in your organization.

The following activities over the previous 7 days will flow through the results feed:

  • Key result updates (including value and narrative)
  • Confidence flag changes
  • Key result comments
  • Objective comments

To help you filter the feed to the most relevant content, the following results feed filters are available:

  • All teams I’m on (default)
  • Functional teams
  • Dynamic teams
  • Direct and dotted reports



All of your favorites from the Objectives top navigation are also made available at the bottom of your My Objectives page to bring easy access to your favorites.


Direct and Dotted Reports

For managers who would like to understand the performance of their direct reports, the Direct and Dotted Reports section will provide a quick overview of the following:

  • # Objectives owned
  • # Key Results owned
  • # Key Results where an update is needed
  • # Key Results at risk
  • # Key Results above plan (if 0 results need an update or are at risk)
  • % progress on Objectives owned

If a user does not own any OKRs, “No OKRs” will be returned.


Functional and Dynamic Teams

Functional and dynamic teams provide you with a quick snapshot of how the teams you are a part of are performing, and where you may want to lend a hand.

Each team card will display the following information:

  • % objective progress
  • # key results where an update is needed
  • # key results at risk
  • # key results above plan (if 0 results need an update or are at risk)

If a team does not have any OKRs, “No OKRs” will be returned.



Understand how your work aligns with leadership priorities. The Leadership section provides an overview of upline hierarchy all the way up to the top level leader.

Understand how leadership is performing and how your work aligns with:

  • # Objectives owned
  • # Key Results owned
  • % progress of Objectives 



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