Cascade a Key Result: Part 1 - Create the Key Result


A Cascade Key Result is used when you want to split an outcome (KR) between more than 1 person. A Cascade is a great way to split the target total between all of the folks providing values. For example, you might choose this option if you want to assign sales targets to sales reps on your team, or headcount to team leaders.

A Cascade KR is considered a top-down approach. This means, you're delegating specific values to individuals because you know exactly what the total target is – you just need those individuals to provide parts of it. This is different from a bottom-up approach with Roll Up Key Results

When you create and send out a Cascade KR, it sends a request to delegated individuals that they need to accept in order to provide values to your Key Result. 

Create a Cascade Key Result

You can create a cascaded Key Result either by creating a new OKR, or by editing your existing OKR. 

To edit an existing OKR:

  1. Next to the relevant Objective, select the kebab menu (3 dots)
  2. Select Edit Settings from the dropdown
  3. Click Add another Key Result
  4. Type of the name of the Key Result
  5. Select Advanced Options
  6. Choose Cascade Result to Multiple People
  7. Fill out the fields according to the details of your Key Result (Please Note: The Target Value is the overall that you'll be splitting between the folks to whom you'll be cascading parts of this Key Result.)
  8. Choose to whom (individual or team) you will cascade this Key Resultmceclip2.png
  9. Select how often the Key Result cascade owner should update their results. 
  10. Add a message for owners to receive upon receipt of the cascade.
  11. Once you save the result, your team members will be notified by email and with a note and a card on the Objectives module. The Team Member will need to select Create and designate how updates will be made.2020-04-07_10-11-19.png
    Note: Until the Key Result is Created your Key Result sources will show Pending.mceclip3.png

Your team members can choose whether to update the result themselves, delegate updates, cascade the result again to their own team, or link directly to an existing key result. In this way, you can quickly cascade a result through several levels of your organization.

Learn how to Accept the Cascade.


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