Using WoBot

If you're a Slack or Microsoft Teams user, you're in luck! WoBot can show your personal and team Objectives and update your Key Results — all at the speed of chat.

To get started, enable Slack or Microsoft Teams integration on your WorkBoard account. You'll get a success message showing you that WoBot is now enabled for your team:


Now, when you go to Slack or Teams, you can start a direct message channel with Workboard (@wobot). 

WoBot Options for Teams

Prompts that WoBot can answer for you in Teams include:

Bot Command Definition
'Show my Objectives' Showcases your Objectives
'Update my KRs'  Populates an update modal to update your Key Results
'Show my Team Objectives'

Showcases your Team's Objectives for teams where you're a Manager or Co-Manager


Link your WorkBoard and MS Teams identities


Log out of your WorkBoard account from MS Teams


Provides information on what is supported


WoBot Options for Slack

Prompts that WoBot can answer for you in Slack include:

Bot Command Definition
'Show my Objectives' Showcases your Objectives
'Update my KRs'  Populates an update modal to update your Key Results
'Show my Team Objectives'

Showcases your Team's Objectives for teams where you're a Manager or Co-Manager


Links your WorkBoard and Slack identities


Logs out of your WorkBoard account from Slack


Provides information on what is supported

'Tell me a joke'

Tells a random joke



WoBot can also reply to your @mentions in both MS Teams and Slack, making it easy to comment updates on both Action Items and Key Results. 

Slack @mentions will populate in a thread with the specific user. To reply to the @mention, follow the prompt within the thread and input /woboreply with the Action Item ID. (Note: The message will have the following wording -- 'To post your reply in Workboard too, use this in front of it: /wobo reply A123456'.)

MS Teams @mentions for Action Items, Objectives, and Key Results will populate in the WorkBoard section within MS Teams. Check out this article to learn more about @mentions in MS Teams. 

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