MS Teams Admin: Install the WorkBoard Plugin from Microsoft App Store for Organization


MS Teams Admin can bulk install the WorkBoard Plugin and make it available for all MS Teams users in their organization.

Install the Plugin and Pin the App

  1. Navigate to
  2. Click +Add apps under Installed apps
  3. Search for WorkBoard
  4. Click +Add apps under Pinned apps
  5. Search for WorkBoard
  6. Slide the app pin location to the desired locationmceclip0.png

Manage App Permissions

The MS Teams Admin can accept app permissions on behalf of the users by following these steps:

  1. Navigate to
  2. Search for WorkBoard
  3. Check the left side of the line so that the checkmark is displayed
  4. Click the WorkBoard name to link into the app details page
  5. Click the Permissions subtab
  6. Click Review Permissions
  7. Click Accept on the popup explaining consent requested
  8. Once accepted, each user will need to authenticate with WorkBoard to form the connection between WorkBoard and MS Teams

Individual User Step 

Users complete the final step to connect to MS Teams. 

  1. Access MS Teams
  2. Click the Connect with WorkBoard button from the WorkBoard chat, or the login screen 
    Note: After this step
    , WorkBoard will automatically connect the users WorkBoard account with their MS Teams account. The integrations page will automatically open in a new tab and show the users MS Teams account from which they integrated.

MS Teams Admin: Add the App to Team(s)

  1. Navigate to MS Teams
  2. Select Manage apps
  3. Search for WorkBoard in the app search box
  4. Check the checkboxmceclip5.png
  5. Click Add to team
  6. Add WorkBoard to selected teams


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